Loose Leash Walking Workshop

Does your dog pull on the leash? Is your dog more focused on the world around it than on you? Would you like to develop skills to make your walks more enjoyable for you and your dog? This workshop is designed to help you!

This two hour workshop focuses on helping you and your dog develop skills to make your walks more enjoyable and stress free. You will learn simple, fun games and strategies to make your walks enjoyable for you and your dog.

All dogs must be on a harness, flat collar, or head halter, and a 4 to 6 foot leash. For the safety of all pets and owners, no ‘flexi’ or retractable leashes will be allowed in class. If you have questions about this, please contact me prior to class.

  • Cost is $60 for the 2 hour class. Payment is required to reserve a space in class.

  • Class takes place at Central Bark New Berlin (16700 W Victor Rd, New Berlin, WI 53151)


Ready for loose leash walking?