dog trainer lori schubert at beyond basics dog training

Hi! Iā€™m Lori, Certified Dog Trainer

I have always enjoyed having a variety of pets; I have lived with dogs my whole life. In 2001, I adopted my first German shepherd dog (Taylor), and shortly thereafter, my second German shepherd dog (Rumor). Taylor started out shy but quickly grew into the ā€˜perfect dogā€™. Rumor proved to be a bit more challenging - she became reactive to other dogs after a bad experience at a young age. While I was working with Rumor, my passion for training dogs began.

For my own dogs, I attended many seminars by world-renowned trainers (including Patricia McConnell, Suzanne Clothier, Karen Pryor, and Ken Rameriz to name just a few) and many force free local trainers. I have read many training and behavior books, attended many classes, and tried to absorb as much information as possible. I became a lifelong learner for the benefit of my own dogs. Below I describe my journey to becoming a certified professional dog trainer.

german shepherd in the snow

My Journey

The thread that has carried on through all my learning is that a positive, relationship-based training program achieves the best results.

In 2015, I discovered Absolute Dogs and the concept-based training methodology I have completed several Absolute Dogs courses and became a member of the Training Academy. Games based training and the relationship I developed with my dogs through this training style have truly been a game changer for me.

When the opportunity to become a Pro Dog Trainer through Absolute Dogs became available in 2018, I knew this was the path for me. I recognized the value of this training method and wanted to be able to share this with others. I have completed the PDT certification as well as in-depth training on behavior. My training journey continues with multiple organizations (including Help My Dog and Behavet) so that I can offer the best information and techniques to my clients and their dogs.

Each year, I attend several additional classes from a variety of sources to advance my knowledge and improve my skills for the benefit of my clients and their dogs. I have attended courses to improve my knowledge of dog behavior and training methodology, as well as on specific topics including healing trauma in dogs, resource guarding, separation anxiety, dog-to-dog reactivity, puppy development, and many others. Maintaining current, science-based knowledge is extremely important in providing my clients with the best value.

Iā€™m passionate about helping you and your dog succeed.

Certifications & Memberships:

Pro Dog Trainer
no force no fear dog training logo
PPN Pro-Member
Force Free Trainers of Wisconsin